I need help with...
I need to talk to someone
I need to talk to someone
If life is in danger, phone 000 (triple zero).
Suicide Call Back Service
For: people 15 years and older who are feeling suicidal and their supports, people who have lost someone to suicide, and health professionals.
Services: phone and online counselling, support and resources on suicidal and negative thoughts. 24-hour service.
Phone 1300 659 467 (24 hours)
Suicide Call Back Service website
Migrant Women's Support Program
For: migrant women of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds in unsafe relationships.
Services: culturally sensitive support services.
Phone 8152 9260
Migrant Women's Support Program
Family Relationship Advice Line
For: all families – whether together or separated.
Services: information and referral services that can help strengthen relationships, overcome relationship difficulties or deal with separation.
Phone 1800 050 321
The Family Relationship Advice Line
LGBTIQ+ people
For: people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and/or intersex (LGBTI)
Services: counselling and referrals, early intervention, peer-supported telephone and web-based services.
Phone 1800 184 527 (3:00 pm to 12:00 midnight)
QLife website
For: men with emotional health and relationship concerns.
Services: telephone and online counselling service. 24-hour service.
Phone 1300 78 99 78 (24 hours, 7 days)
Mensline Australia website
Men’s Referral Service - operated by No to Violence
For: men behaving abusively; family members affected by a man’s use of abusive behaviours; friends, family and colleagues; and professionals supporting a client using or experiencing family violence.
Services: confidential counselling, information and referrals to local services that will help you take the next steps. 24-hour service.
Phone 1300 766 491 (24 hours, 7 days)
Mens's Referral Service
Kids Helpline
For: young people between 5 and 25.
Services: free, private and confidential, telephone and online counselling. 24-hour service.
Phone 1800 55 1800 (24 hours)
Kids Helpline website
Disability Advocacy and Complaints Service of SA (DACSSA)
For: people with disability, their families, friends and carers.
Services: information and advocacy.
Phone 7122 6030
Disability Advocacy and Complaints Services of SA
LGBTIQ+ people
For: people newly identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer, those questioning their sexuality or gender identity, and their supports.
Services: free, confidential support and a safe place to talk.
Women's Worker, Phone 8202 5805
Men's Worker, Phone 8202 5192
Bfriend on Facebook
Catalyst Foundation
For: older people from the LGBTIQ+ community.
Services: support services and information on aged care and ageing, social support, events, activities and community connections.
Phone 8168 8776
Free call 1800 636 368
Catalyst Foundation's LGBTIQA+ over 50s project
Australian Migrant Resource Centre
For: people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
Services: counselling, parenting support, financial counselling, health and wellbeing programs to help people settle in Australia.
Phone 8217 9500
Migrant Resource Centre website
Catalyst Foundation
Previously the Seniors Information Service.
For: older South Australians, to those who are living with a disability, and to family and carers.
Services: information, support, advice and assistance to access a wide range of services, support and resources.
Phone 8168 8776
Freecall 1800 636 368
Catalyst Foundation website
My Aged Care
For: older Australians, family members, friends or someone you’re caring for.
Services: Australian Government information about aged care services.
Freecall 1800 200 422
My Aged Care website
Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS)
For: older Australians.
Services: free, statewide, confidential advocacy service, information, education, support and representation.
Phone 8232 5377
Freecall 1800 700 600
Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS)
Homeless Connect SA
Phone 1800 003 308 (24 hours)
Homeless Connect SA is a 24/7 telephone service which can help you with support and access to emergency accommodation in South Australia.
Domestic Violence Crisis Line
(prev. Domestic Violence and Aboriginal Family Violence Gateway Service)
Phone 1800 800 098 (24 hours)
The Domestic Violence Crisis Line is a statewide service offering assistance to women experiencing domestic violence in South Australia by providing information, counselling and safe accommodation options.
The Foundry by SYC (formerly Youth Gateway)
Phone 1300 306 046 (weekdays 9.00 am to 5.00 pm) or freecall 1800 807 364
The Foundry by SYC is a service aimed specifically at young people aged between 15 and 25 in South Australia who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness. This includes young parents with children.
Rent Right SA
For: anyone needing help with issues related to your tenancy
Services: Tenancy advice, information, advocacy and SACAT support to tenants and previous tenants of SA.
Phone 1800 060 462. 8.00 am to 8.00 pm Monday to Friday
Rent Right SA website
Pets and housing
The State Government provides information on pets in private rental properties.
Consumer and Business Services - Domestic Abuse Protections for Tenants
Domestic abuse protections fact sheet for renters
There are options for tenants who experience abuse or domestic violence by a person who may be:
- living in the home
- is a regular visitor
Connecting to Culture
Connecting to Culture
Nunkuwarrin Yunti
For: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Services: a wide range of primary health, social and emotional wellbeing services.
Phone 8406 1600
Nunkuwarrin Yunti website
Tiraapendi Wodli Hub (Port Adelaide)
For: Aboriginal families
Services: a practical point of contact to access information, social and cultural support and services.
Phone 0410 228 451
Tiraapendi Wodli Hub (Port Adelaide)
Metropolitan Aboriginal Youth and Family Services
For: young Aboriginal people and their families.
Services: culturally specific support services including information, advice and group programs.
Phone 8414 8900
Freecall 1800 685 546
Metropolitan Aboriginal Youth and Family Services
Multicultural Youth South Australia
For: multicultural young people and young families living in South Australia.
Services: equipping young people with the knowledge, skills and resources to support their aspirations, research and policy development, sector development and capacity-building, direct service delivery and community-capacity building.
Phone 8212 0085
Multicultural Youth South Australia
Australian Migrant Resource Centre
For: people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
Services: counselling, parenting support, financial counselling, health and wellbeing programs to help people settle in Australia.
Phone 8217 9500
Migrant Resource Centre website
Australian Refugee Association
For: people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds.
Services: advice, assistance, advocacy and practical support.
Disability services
Disability services
Disability Gateway
The Disability Gateway is an Australian Government initiative, created to improve the navigation to access relevant information and services such as health, housing, employment, transport and everyday living.
Phone 1800 643 787
Email disabilitygateway@benevolent.org.au
DHS Disability Services
DHS Disability Services Are committed to supporting South Australians with disability to live the life you choose in your home and community. Supported Independent Living, Aged Care, Assistive Technology and NDIS Services.
Phone 1800 952 962 (and press 3)
Email DHSDisabilityServices@sa.gov.au
Disability Rights Advocacy Service Inc (DRAS)
Disability Rights Advocacy Service Inc. Safeguarding and promoting the rights and interests of people with a disability, their families and carers.
Phone 08 8351 9500
Email admin@dras.com.au
Domestic Violence and Abuse
Domestic Violence and Abuse
If life is in danger, phone 000 (triple zero).
For: anyone experiencing domestic and family violence and/or sexual assault and their family and friends.
Services: online and telephone counselling and support, 24-hour response.
Phone 1800 737 732 (24 hours)
1800 Respect website
Nunga Mi:Minar
Northern Regional Aboriginal Family Violence Service
For: Aboriginal women and children affected by family violence
Services: emergency accommodation and support.
Phone 08 8367 6474
Freecall 1800 800 098 (via Domestic Violence Crisis Line)
If you are at risk of future domestic violence
For: anyone at risk of domestic violence
Services: information about a partner or former partner, to help make decisions about your safety.
Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS) - SA Police
Consumer and Business Services - Domestic Abuse Protections for Tenants
Renting and letting advice - Consumer and Business Services
There are options for tenants who experience abuse or domestic violence by a person who may be:
- living in the home
- is a regular visitor
Policy-related information:
Yarrow Place Rape and Sexual Assault Service
For: anyone in South Australia aged 16 years and over who has been sexually assaulted.
Services: medical and counselling services, 24-hour response.
Freecall: 1800 817 421
Yarrow Place website
For: anyone experiencing domestic and family violence and/or sexual assault and their family and friends.
Services: online and telephone counselling and support, 24-hour response.
Phone 1800 737 732 (24 hours)
1800 Respect website
Your privacy when experiencing domestic violence
If the offender is an ex-partner, it is important to remove their permission to receive or access information about you from agencies and organisations.
For: anyone experiencing family or domestic violence, and/or stalking.
Services: A guide and checklist to help you identify key organisations that will help protect your privacy.
- Suppression of Personal Details Information Guide (PDF 403.4 KB)
- Suppression of Personal Details Checklist (PDF 214.9 KB)
Disclaimer: These documents do not describe every situation or option. All effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information. The information should not be a substitute for legal and/ or professional advice. To provide feedback on the contents of this guide, email wis@sa.gov.au
Safer in the Home
For: women survivors of family violence.
Services: basic home security upgrades and technology interventions to enable women to remain in the home of their choice.
Phone 0400 983 360
Safer in the Home website
Ombudsman SA
For: anyone in South Australia.
Services: investigates complaints about South Australian government and local government agencies, conducts freedom of information reviews and supports and monitors the implementation of the Information Sharing Guidelines
Phone 8226 8699
Phone 1800 182 150
Ask for Angela - safety when on a date
For: women on a date who are feeling unsafe and want to leave without drama.
Services: participating venues will offer the woman a discrete exit.
Elder Abuse Prevention (Adult Safeguarding Unit)
For: anyone concerned about elder abuse.
Services: information about your rights, advice and support.
Phone 1800 372 310 (Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm except public holidays)
Stop Elder Abuse - SA Health
Employment and Training
Employment and Training
For: job seekers.
Services: connects you with employers.
Phone 136 268
Jobactive website
I Work for SA
For: job seekers wishing to work in government.
Services: Lists vacancies in the public sector.
Working Women's Centre
Works primarily with women who are not represented by a union, their own lawyer or other advocate.
For: women employees.
Services: free and confidential service on work-related issues.
Phone 8410 6499
Phone 1800 652 697
Working Women's Centre SA website
Fairwork Ombudsman
For: employees, employers and the community.
Services: helps everyone in Australia follow the laws that make all workplaces equal and fair.
Phone 131 394
Fairwork Ombudsman website
Policy-related information
Volunteering SA & NT
For: people willing to share their time and skills.
Services: support and resources for volunteers and volunteer-involving organisations.
Skills SA
For: people wanting to train for a job, advance their skills or transition to university, as well as businesses.
Services: course listings, available financial support and business support.
Phone 1800 673 097
Skills SA website
TAFE SA English Language Centre
For: newly-arrived migrants and refugees.
Services: English classes.
Phone 8226 6555
TAFE SA English Language Centre
Adult Migrant English Language Program
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
If life is in danger, phone 000 (triple zero).
Women's Health Service
For: women, including women affected by domestic violence.
Services: welcoming, safe and culturally respectful clinical and wellbeing services in metropolitan Adelaide.
Phone 8444 0700
Women's Health Service website
For: Everyone.
Services: phone access to trusted, quality health information and advice. 24-hour service.
Phone 1800 022 222 (24 hours)
Healthdirect website
Nunkuwarrin Yunti
For: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Services: a wide range of primary health, social and emotional wellbeing services.
Phone 8406 1600
Nunkuwarrin Yunti website
Metropolitan Youth Health Service
For: vulnerable young people aged 12 to 25, with a focus on young people under 18 years.
Services: free and confidential clinical health services including doctor/nurse clinics, sexual health, programs for pregnant and parenting young women and their partners.
Elizabeth office, phone 8255 3477
Christies Beach office, phone 8326 6053
Angle Park office, phone 8243 5637
Metropolitan Youth Health Service website
Refugee Health Service
For: recently arrived refugees and asylum seekers in the early resettlement period.
Services: free, culturally sensitive health care.
Phone 8237 3900
Freecall 1800 635 566
Refugee Health Service website
For: South Australian community.
Services: sexual health services, clinics, counselling, information, LGBTIQ+ services, and resources.
For enquiries and appointments, phone 1300 794 584
For sexual healthline, phone 1300 883 793
Country callers, phone 1800 188 171
SHINE SA website
Policy-related information
For: anyone in crisis
Services: online, phone and face-to-face crisis support and suicide prevention services. 24-hour service.
Phone 13 11 14 (24 hours)
Lifeline website
Mental Health Triage Service
For: anyone needing help in a mental health emergency.
Services: advice and information in a mental health emergency or crisis.
Phone 13 14 65 (24 hours)
Mental Health Triage Service - SA Health
Skylight Mental Health
For: people experiencing mental illness, their families and friends.
Services: information, individual and group programs, residential respite accommodation programs, education and training.
Phone 8378 4100
Skylight Mental Health
Beyond Blue
For: everyone.
Services: supporting people affected by anxiety, depression and suicide. 24-hour service.
Phone 1300 22 4636 (24-hours)
Beyond Blue counsellors and online support
Policy related information
For: women.
Services: free information, tools and webinars to help women be safe online.
Stay Smart Online
For: everyone.
Services: explains the risks and simple steps you can take to protect personal and financial information online.
Legal Services Commission
For: South Australians.
Services: free legal information, advice and grants of legal aid.
Phone 1300 366 424 (free legal help line)
Cyber-stalking and Cyber-harassment fact sheet (PDF 293 KB)
The Legal Services Commission
Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network (ACORN)
Cybercrime includes use of a computer or online network to commit crimes such as fraud, online image abuse, identity theft or threats and intimidation.
For: everyone.
Services: receives reports of cybercrime, provides advice.
Protect your personal information online
The Women's Information Service has developed a guide and checklist to help protect a person's privacy.
The Women’s Services Network
Practical advice when dealing with harassing calls, texts, messages, and emails. A survivor Toolkit and fact sheets are available.
1800 Respect
Safety Apps for your Digital Devices. Safety apps that are specialised applications that aim to provide individuals with additional security and assistance in various situations.
Ph. 1800 737 732
1800 Respect safety apps for your digital devices website
eSafety Commissioner
A website to assist against violent or distressing content online, device strategies and navigating online dating.
Ask for Angela is an international campaign introduced into South Australia to promote safety in licensed venues.
For: women on a date, and/or with someone in a licensed venue like a pub or club.
Services: If you feel unsafe at a licensed venue that is displaying Ask for Angela campaign material, you can discreetly ask the staff for ‘Angela’. This simple code word alerts venue staff that you require assistance. The staff can then help you appropriately and respectfully.
Housing and Homelessness
Housing and Homelessness
Domestic Violence Crisis Line
(previously the Domestic Violence and Aboriginal Family Violence Gateway Service)
For: women in South Australia experiencing domestic violence.
Services: information, counselling, safe accommodation options.
Phone 1800 800 098 (24 hours)
Domestic Violence Crisis Line website
Nunga Mi:Minar
Northern Regional Aboriginal Family Violence Service.
For: Aboriginal women and children affected by family violence.
Services: support and emergency accommodation
Phone 08 8367 6474
Freecall 1800 800 098 (via Domestic Violence Crisis Line)
Homeless Connect SA
24-hours a day, every day.
For: anyone experiencing homelessness in South Australia.
Services: information and a direct referral into homelessness services.
Phone 1800 003 308 (24 hours)
Homeless Connect SA website
Ethnic Link Services
Adelaide, the Riverland and Whyalla
For: the frail elderly and their carers from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds.
Services: supporting people to stay living in their own homes.
Phone 8241 0201
Freecall 1800 648 598
Ethnic Links Information Hub
Pets in private rental properties - government information
For: tenants in private rental properties.
Services: guides about renting with pets for tenants and landlords.
Pets in private rental properties
Consumer and Business Services - Domestic Abuse Protections for Tenants
Domestic abuse protections fact sheet for renters
There are options for tenants who experience abuse or domestic violence by a person who may be:
- living in the home
- is a regular visitor.
Interpreting and Translating
Interpreting and Translating
National Relay Service
For: registered users who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, and people wanting to call someone with a hearing or speech impairment.
Services: Message relay by text, captions, voice, TTY and Auslan.
Interpreting and Translating Centre
For: anyone in South Australia.
Services: interpreting and translating services in more than 100 languages and dialects.
Law and My Rights
Law and My Rights
Legal Services Commission of SA
For: anyone.
Services: legal information, legal advice and may be able to assist with legal aid.
Phone 1300 366 424 (Free legal help line)
Legal Services Commission
Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement
For: Aboriginal people in South Australia.
Services: help with family law, criminal law, stolen generation compensation claims, money issues and other services such as the Aboriginal Visitors Schemes and Aboriginal Financial Counselling Service.
Phone 8113 3777
Freecall 1800 643 222
Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement
Family Violence Legal Service Aboriginal Corporation
Office locations in Port Augusta, Port Lincoln and Ceduna, and services provided in the Spencer Gulf and West Coast Regions and to surrounding communities.
For: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victim/survivors of family violence and/or sexual assault in South Australia.
Services: free community legal service.
Community Legal Centres
For: anyone.
Services: free legal advice, casework, referral and, in some cases, legal representation.
Phone 1300 860 529Community Legal Centres SA
Family Court National Enquiry Centre
For: people with matters before the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia.
Services: information about family, migration and general federal law, tips on how to behave in court, safety information, support services, descriptions of hearing types, daily court lists, court locations and helpful videos about what to expect.
Phone 1300 352 000
The Family Law Courts' National Enquiry Centre
Women's Legal Service SA
For: women.
Services: free legal services, including legal advice and information, education, training and resources.
Consumer and Business Services
For: consumers in South Australia
Services: support for people who have bought a product or paid for a service and something goes wrong.
Phone 131 882 (consumer advice)
Consumer and Business Services
Commonwealth Ombudsman
For: anyone.
Services: investigates complaints from people who believe they have been treated unfairly or unreasonably by an Australian Government department or agency, including Australia Post, Centrelink, Child Support, and Department of Immigration and Border Protection.
Phone 1300 362 072
Commonwealth Ombudsman
Equal Opportunity Commission
For: people who believe they have been unlawfully discriminated against, sexually harassed or victimised.
Services: information about equal opportunity, and may be able to support you to lodge a complaint under the South Australian Equal Opportunity Act.
Phone 8207 1977
Phone 1800 188 163
Equal Opportunity Commission
Australian Human Rights Commission
For: anyone.
Services: investigates complaints about discrimination and breaches of human rights including discrimination, harassment and bullying based on a person’s sex, disability, race and age.
LGBTQIA+ services
LGBTQIA+ services
Catalyst Foundation
Catalyst Foundation aims to support people with relevant information on aged care, aging and disability specific to people who are LGBTIQA+ as well as providing social support, activities and community connections.
Services include social events and film screenings for people 50+ years.
Helpline phone 8168 8776
Country SA phone 1800 696 368
Q Life provides anonymous and free LGBTIQ+ peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.
Phone 1800 184 527
BFriend supports anyone who has questions about sexuality, gender identity and intersex variations, and their loved ones.
Phone 1800 615 677
Email bfriend@unitingcommunities.org
Mental Health Service for people 16+ years
Thorne Harbour Health - LGBTIQA+ Specialist Mental Health Service supports people experiencing mental illness or distress.
Phone 7078 4128
Make an appointment using their online form
LGBTIQA+ Government Services
LGBTIQA+ Government Services provides links to information and forms about common queries.
Mental Health
Mental Health
Phone 131 114 (24 hours)
Lifeline provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to online, phone and face-to-face crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Mental Health Triage Service
Phone 131 465 (24 hours)
The SA Health Mental Health Triage Service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This service is the main point of access into mental health services. They can provide advice and information in a mental health emergency or crisis situation. It is staffed by mental health clinicians, who will assess and refer to acute response teams where appropriate.
Skylight Mental Health
Phone 8378 4100
Skylight Mental Health offers information and a range of programs and services for people experiencing mental illness and for their families and friends who care for them. This includes group programs, individual programs, family support programs, carer support programs, residential respite accommodation programs, education and training and more.
Phone 1300 224 636
Beyondblue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.
Policy related information
Money and Government Payments
Money and Government Payments
National Debt Helpline
For: people with debt problems.
Services: free, independent and confidential financial counselling, links to legal, health, housing and emergency food services.
Phone 1800 007 007
National Debt Helpline website
Financial Counsellors
For: South Australians in financial difficulty.
Services: free information, support and advocacy.
Locate your nearest Financial Counsellor
For: Australians of all ages, backgrounds and incomes.
Services: free calculators, tools, tips and guides to help you with budgeting, saving, spending, insurance, and superannuation. Specialist resources for teachers.
Phone 1300 300 630
MoneySmart website
No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS)
For: individuals and families on low incomes.
Services: access to safe, fair and affordable credit for for essential goods and services.
Phone 136 457
No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS)
Policy-related information
Child Support
For: parents who are separated or divorced.
Services: assess, collect and transfer child support payments.
Phone 131 272
The Commonwealth Department of Human Services Child Support
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
For: Australians with significant and permanent disability, and their families and carers.
Services: individualised support through funding, connection to services and information.
Freecall 1800 800 110
NDIS website
You may have lost track of some of your super if you have changed your name, address, job or lived overseas. Having several super accounts could mean multiple fees and charges are reducing your overall super investment.
For: Australians who have ever worked for an employer, or the self-employed who have opened a superannuation account.
Services: the Australian Tax Office can help you check on the health of your super.
Online Safety
Online Safety
The eSafetyWomen resources aim to help women manage technology risks and abuse by providing the tools they need to be confident when online. Safe access to technology is crucial for women so they can stay connected to their family and friends, engage with the world and get information and support.
Stay Smart Online
Stay Smart Online is the Australian Government's online safety and security website, designed to help everyone understand the risks and simple steps we can take to protect our personal and financial information online.
Legal Services Commission
Phone 1300 366 424 (Free legal help line)
The Legal Services Commission provides legal information, advice and grants of legal aid to South Australians.
They also have online information about Cyber Stalking and Cyber Harassment for people experiencing abuse via technology.
Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network (ACORN)
ACORN is an online system where people can securely report cybercrime, and obtain advice on how to recognise and avoid it.
Protect your personal information online
The Women's Information Service has developed a guide and checklist to help protect a person's privacy.
Parenting and Pregnancy
Parenting and Pregnancy
Parent Helpline
For: parents of children from birth to 12 years in South Australia.
Services: telephone information.
Phone 1300 364 100
Parent Helpline website
Adults Supporting Kids (ASK)
For: parents and other people who support kids.
Services: information, free local support services or someone you can talk to.
Adults Supporting Kids (ASK) website
Parenting SA
For: parents and people who support them.
Services: free Parent Easy Guides, covering a wide range of topics about raising babies, toddlers, children and young people from birth to 18 years. Some guides are provided in languages other than English, and some are written for Aboriginal families.
Child and Youth Health
For: Parents
Services: information, support and health services.
Child and Youth Health website
The Child and Family Health Service (CaFHS)
For: South Australian families.
Services: Government information, support and health checks for new and established families.
Child and Family Health Service (CaFHS)
Policy-related information
For: anyone in South Australia.
Services: sexual health services, pregnancy testing, counselling and/or referrals to appropriate services.
For enquiries and appointments, phone 1300 794 584
For the sexual healthline, phone 1300 883 793
Country callers, phone 1800 188 171
Shine SA website
Pregnancy, Birth and Baby
For: Australian parents of children pre-birth to 5 years.
Services: Government advice and support on healthy pregnancy, birth, newborns, practical parenting and links to local health services. Also discusses pregnancy complications and pregnancy loss.
Phone 1800 882 436
Video Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby (7.00 am to 12 midnight)
Pregnancy, Birth and Baby
Pregnancy Advisory Centre
For: women with unplanned pregnancy.
Services: pro-choice, non-judgemental, client-centred and understanding health services, professional counselling, contraception and abortion services.
If you have any suggestions of useful links we could add please contact us.
We value diversity and want our spaces to be safe and inclusive for all women, including trans women and sistergirls, as well as people of marginalised genders.