WIS What's On
The WIS What's On provides details of services and activities for women of SA as of Monday 24 March 2024
All programs are free/low cost unless otherwise noted. For more details, please visit our Facebook page.
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Download the PDF: WIS What's On 24 March 2025
Program | Description | Provider | Location | Date |
Women are Strong Women do Survive | 8-week support group for women dealing with the effects of abusive relationships. | Junction Ph. 8392 3060 E: FDVS@junctionaustralia.org.au Location provided on registration | Fleurieu Region | Dates provided on registration |
Shark Cage for Women | 7-week course to help you build a strong sense of self and to feel empowered | Centacare Ph. 8228 8900 | To be advised | To be advised |
Women are Strong Women do Survive | 8-week support group for women dealing with the effects of abusive relationships. | Hands of Hope Ph. 0423 174 221 E: Enquiries@handsofhope.asn.au | Northern Area | To be advised |
From Strength to Strength | 6-week group for women who would like to increase their personal growth and improve relationship conflict management. Ideal for women who have completed both Women are Strong and Shark Cage groups. | Anglicare SA Ph. 8186 8900 E: fif@anglicaresa.com.au | To be advised | To be advised |
Out of the Shadows | This group will discuss impacts on women and children and interactions with the Domestic and Family Violence, Legal and Safety Systems. | Relationships Australia Ph. 8223 4566 E: rasacentral@rasa.org.au | Address provided on registration | Fridays during term time |
Way of the Horse | An 8-week program for women impacted by DV. Learning with horses to gain insights into your own behaviours, emotions and relationships | The Yellow Gate To register call Ph. 1300 564 164 E: admin@theyellowgate.org.au | Onkaparinga Hills | Starts April 30 |
Time for Me | For women who have experienced Domestic Abuse.A two-hour workshop to support relaxation, creativity and connection. | Christie Downs Community House Kerry Ph. 0457 671 385 Jo Ph. 0429 269 320 | Christie Downs | Last Thursday of the month |
Art for Healing | Come and explore your creative side with simple art and mindfulness techniques. For women in the community who have been impacted by family and domestic violence. | The Yellow Gate To register call Ph. 1300 564 164 E: admin@theyellowgate.org.au | Address provided on Registration | Starts Feb 13 |
Trauma-informed yoga | Women in the community who have been impacted by domestic and family violence can join a free, weekly trauma-informed yoga class. | The Yellow Gate To register call Ph. 1300 564 164 E: admin@theyellowgate.org.au | Christies Beach area | Starts Feb 14 |
Resilience Program Workshop | Join us in these workshops to discover comprehensive skills to boost your resilience. For women in the community who have been impacted by domestic and family violence. | The Yellow Gate To register call Ph. 1300 564 164 E: admin@theyellowgate.org.au | Noarlunga area | Starts Feb 19 |
Walk n Talk | Inclusive walking group for women who have been impacted by DV. | The Yellow Gate To register Ph. 1300 564 164 | Moana Beach | 1st Monday of the month |
Information Session -Your Body Your Choice | Sexual Assault Awareness Month Information Session, Your Body Your Choice. | The Whyalla Haven | Whyalla | Apr 9 |
Legal Outreach | Free legal advice appointments are available in-person with a solicitor from the Women’s Legal Service. | The Yellow Gate | Address provided upon registration | Second & last Thursday of the month |
Women's Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service | The Women’s Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service will be visiting Mount Gambier Magistrates Court on a fortnightly basis to assist women who have applied for private intervention orders. | Legal Services Commission | Mount Gambier | Fortnightly |
WIS CHAT | Can’t find the information you are looking for? You can now talk to WIS via Live Chat on our web page. Look on the bottom of the screen and click on the: “Hi there, how can I help you” pop-up | Women’s Information Service Ph. 8303 0590 www.wis.sa.gov.au | Online | Ongoing |
OmbudsmanSA outreach at WIS | Talk to the Ombudsman SA if you believe you have been treated unfairly or unreasonably by a state government department or local government agency. | Women’s Information Service Ph. 8303 0590 | Adelaide | Mar 27 |
Family Court Support at WIS | Confidential support for women attending the Federal Circuit and Family Court in Adelaide. We also provide support if you have an online hearing, mediation, or family conference. | For more information or to book your family court support please contact the Women’s Information Service on Ph. 8303 0590 | Adelaide | Subject to volunteer availability |
Financial Counsellor | Drop-in Financial Counsellor No appointment needed. | Anglicare SA | Aldinga | Last Wednesday of the month |
Uniting Communities Legal Advice Drop In at WIS | A member of The Uniting Communities Social Security legal team will be at WIS to assist with a wide range of Centrelink issues. | Women’s Information Service Ph. 8303 0590 | Adelaide | Apr 3 |
Domestic and Family Violence Candlelight Vigil | Mark Domestic and Family Violence Remembrance Day at a candlelight vigil to honour the memory of those whose lives have been taken through domestic and family violence. | Embolden | Adelaide CBD | May 7 |
Flourish and Nourish | Monthly sessions where we will chat about wellbeing topics. | The Haven Mount Gambier For bookings Ph. 8721 2540 | Mount Gambier | Starts Mar 28 |
Women`s Peer Group - Parents of neuro-divergent children | A group for all women who are caring for a neuro-divergent child or children and would like help to improve their own mental health. | Skylight Ph. 83784100 E: nicoleb@skylight.org.au | Mount Barker | 1st Thursday of the month |
Wellness Workshop | Series of workshops designed to support and empower you. | Bendigo Bank Elizabeth Rise Community Centre Book here for Wellness Workshop | Elizabeth Downs | Apr 15 May 20 |
Coffee and Chat with Cindy Bunt | Join The Haven Mount Gambier and Cindy Bunt from The Post and Rail for a blue wren painting class. All materials supplied. Limited spaces. Bookings essential. | The Haven Mount Gambier For bookings Ph. 8721 2540 | Mount Gambier | Mar 26 |
Relax and Recharge | 6-week women's wellbeing group aimed at promoting greater physical and mental wellness. | Mount Barker Community Centre Book here for Relax and Recharge via Humanitix | Mount Barker | Starts Mar 5 |
Swap and Grow | Bring cuttings, seedlings or small plants to share with others and take new ones home. | The Haven Whyalla Ph. 0477 219 410 | Whyalla | 1st Thursday of the month |
Bring Your Bills | Empowering women to gain a better understanding of bills Bring a bill to discuss. | Lifeline Southeast. The Haven Mount Gambier Ph. 8721 2540 | Mount Gambier | Apr 10 |
Group English Conversation Practice | Facilitated group session, then stay for a 1-on-1 conversation to build confidence and improve communication skills. No bookings needed. | Pasadena Community Centre Group English Conversation Practice | City of Mitcham | Pasadena | Starts Mar 13 |
HEALTH | ||||
BreastScreen SA | BreastScreen SA is visiting areas in South Australia and offering free screening for women over the age of 40. | BreastScreen SA For more information contact 13 20 50 or BreastscreenSA website here | Kimba Clare | Mar 26 - Apr 1 April 11-June 12 |
Circle of Security | 7-week course and learn how to enjoy a more fulfilling relationship with your child. | Centacare Ph. 8228 8900 | Aldinga | Starts May 6 |
Navigating Neurodiversity | Join us for a free support group for parents and caregivers who care for those with Neurodiversity. | The Haven Goolwa For more information Ph. 0499 407 237 or Deb Ph. 0427 208 937 | Goolwa | Wednesdays during school term |
Are you a carer? Carers SA Info Session | This event will help you learn more about how to access the free support services that Carers SA offers. Bookings essential, one booking per person. | Carers SA in collaboration with the City of West Torrens Register for the Carers SA Information Session here. | Hilton | April 9 |
Mankurri-Apinthi Peer to Peer Program | Are you Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander with children? Do you want to connect with community while having fun? Peer to peer program led by volunteers with lived experience to form community connections. | KWY Ph. 8377 7822 admin@kwy.org.au KWY website | Blair Athol | Wednesdays |
Bringing Up Great Kids | Course to help parents and carers understand their child’s behaviour. | Relationships Australia SA Bookings are essential. Ph. 8255 3323 | Salisbury | Starts April 28 |