Our services
The Women's Information Service (WIS) provides the following services:
Information and referral
We provide information about South Australian government, non-government and community services.
Family Court Support
Family Court Support
The Family Court Support (FCS) program is a free and confidential service providing trained volunteers to accompany women and people of marginalised genders to the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court in Adelaide.
At the Women's Information Service we recognise that the Family Court process is often very stressful and sometimes long.
During the process you may find you spend a lot of time waiting around and if you are on your own it can be quite daunting.
Family Court Support volunteers attend a comprehensive training program and are experienced with the court processes and in accompanying women and people of marginalised genders to court.
What we can do
- accompany you to the Family Court for hearings, mediation and family conferences
- provide information about the Family Court and its processes
- liaise with security staff when arriving at the court building and during court proceedings
- sit with you before and during the hearing
- offer a listening ear throughout the day at court
- keep your personal information and details confidential
- introduce you to our information and referrals about other issues including domestic and sexual violence, housing options, financial matters and health and wellbeing.
What we can't do
- give legal advice
- provide counselling
- provide transport to or from the court
- provide childcare.
How to request a Family Court Support volunteer
Important: We will try to ensure a volunteer will attend, but making a booking does not guarantee a volunteer will be available.
- Contact Women's Information Service to make a booking
- Make sure you have the following details:
- Date and time of your court appointment
- Details of which court you will be attending (Family Court or Federal Circuit Court)
- Will anyone else be attending with you?
- We will take your details and call you closer to the court date to confirm the name of the volunteer who will meet you on the day of your court appearance.
Secure room at the Family Court
In cases where there has been a history of domestic violence you have the option to to book a secure room at the court.
This gives you with a safe space to wait until your case is called, away from your ex-partner. Security guards are very supportive of this arrangement and are happy to escort you to and from the secure room as required.
To book a secure room
Phone the Court on 1300 352 000
Childcare at the Family Court
Childcare at the court is not guaranteed. You may need to make other arrangements.
Legal advice
Our Family Court Support volunteers cannot give you legal advice.
Financial Counselling
Financial Counselling
The Zahra Foundation provides financial counselling for women people of marginalised genders who have experienced domestic and family violence.
A Zahra outreach worker visits the WIS Shopfront twice a month.
To make an appointment please phone the The Zahra Foundation Office on 8352 1889.
Free internet access
Free internet access
Our shopfront offers free internet access. For more information, contact WIS.
Ombudsman Outreach
Ombudsman Outreach
If you would like to be put in touch with the outreach worker outside these times, you are welcome to contact WIS.
You can contact the Ombudsman directly to make a complaint about South Australian government department or local council.
Contact the Ombudsman using the online form
Ombudsman SA
PO Box 3651
Rundle Mall SA 5000
Phone 8226 8699 or 1800 182 150 (outside metro SA only)
Email ombudsman@ombudsman.sa.gov.au
Rural Women's Phone Link Up
Rural Women's Phone Link Up
Women and people of marginalised genders in rural and remote areas can use a land line to call our toll-free number and we will transfer them to a service in SA that does not offer a toll-free number.
This is a free service from a land line. There is a charge for calls from mobile phones.
Phone 1800 188 158
Tax help (July – October)
Tax help (July – October)
Tax help is available annually at the Women's Information Service during tax time. This service is free and confidential and provided by fully trained volunteers.
Call us in July to find out if you are eligible to access this service and/or make an appointment.
WIS Facebook
WIS Facebook
Facebook terms of use – Women’s Information Service
Please keep all comments and discussion respectful and courteous.
We will hide, remove or edit any material we consider to be inappropriate, including posts and comments that are:
- discriminatory, defamatory, false or misleading, racist, off-topic, inflammatory, repetitive, offensive or otherwise inappropriate
- disrespectful of a person or people
- making, or could reasonably be expected to make, another person feel unsafe
- diminishing or minimising the experiences of women and people of marginalised genders
- prejudicial towards matters that are before the courts
- commercial content, advertisements, campaigning material or spam
- promoting a product, service, cause or initiative
- infringing the privacy, intellectual property or other legal rights of others.
We retain the right to block users who act in ways that we feel are inappropriate or inconsistent with the values of the Women’s Information Service.
We do not endorse all the content we share, or views of those sources.
If you have any questions relating to these guidelines, please email wis@sa.gov.au
We monitor comments and reply to messages during business hours.
We value diversity and want our spaces to be safe and inclusive for all women, including trans women and sistergirls, as well as people of marginalised genders.