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Office for Women

Safety and wellbeing

Women experience violence in public places, at work and at home. The South Australian Government is committed to a more strategic and comprehensive approach to violence against women, to make the best use of resources and to guide future actions.

Proposed legislation to criminalise coercive control in SA

Proposed legislation to criminalise coercive control in SA

Proposed legislation to criminalise coercive control in SA

The State Government is committed to criminalising coercive control to prevent and end this insidious form of violence.

Visit the See the Signs campaign website for further information on coercive control and available supports. There is an Easy Read paper explaining what coercive control is (PDF 1.0 MB).

The Department of Human Services, through the Office for Women, consulted with various groups to ensure that criminalisation of coercive control legislation will be drafted with a strong understanding of community and sector needs as identified by the community. These consultations ran between November 2022 and February 2023 and provided an opportunity for community members and representatives to discuss issues around the legislation and implementation.

The consultation sessions were guided by discussion papers and the key learnings from the sessions were consolidated into summary papers, provided below.

In September 2023, the Office for Women in collaboration with the Attorney General's Department held a series of information sessions on the draft Bill to criminalise coercive control, the Criminal Law Consolidation (Coercive Control) Amendment Bill 2023.  A copy of the PowerPoint presentation from the session is below.

Presentation for the Criminal Law Consolidation (Coercive Control)  Amendment (Community) (PDF 2.3 MB)

Discussion papers:

Alongside this consultation, we are committed to raising community awareness about this form of domestic abuse that is too often not recognised. Information is available at the See the Signs website.

Summary papers:

Attorney-General's Department consultation

The Attorney-General's Department released a discussion paper exploring the measures needed to support the implementation of a criminal offence of coercive control, should it be introduced in South Australia.

The Discussion paper - Implementation considerations should coercive control be introduced in South Australia  (PDF, 1.1 MB) was released for public consultation on 2 February 2022 to obtain feedback on the themes of awareness raising, education and training, services for victim-survivors and responses to perpetrators.

The consultation period closed 1 April 2022.

The Submissions report (PDF, 372.2 KB) provides an overview of the feedback received in response to the questions, as well as additional issues raised by respondents.

Information about the 2021 consultation on the criminalisation of coercive control is also available on the Attorney-General's Department website.

Committed to Safety

Committed to Safety

'Committed to Safety: A framework for addressing domestic, family and sexual violence in South Australia' was the South Australian policy framework in relation to preventing domestic, family and sexual violence until June 2022.

Committed to Safety, released in 2019, is available as a PDF download. Download the 2019 Committed to Safety framework (PDF 1.1 MB)

Two reports are available:

2020 Committed to Safety report (PDF 674.6 KB)

2021 Committed to Safety report (PDF 1.6 MB)

A new strategy is currently in development.

Community Education

Community Education

'Break the Cycle'

Break the Cycle is a South Australian Government campaign, funded through the National Partnership on COVID-19 Domestic and Family Violence Responses, which aims to challenge abusive behaviours, increase awareness of services available to men and women, and empower bystanders to intervene, and to help break the cycle of domestic abuse.

The Break the Cycle website contains information, referral points and resources to help South Australians receive the help and support they need.

'Our Watch'

Our Watch is a national initiative to drive nation-wide change in the culture, behaviours and attitudes that underpin and create violence against women and children.

Our Watch's focus is on four key areas:

  • maintaining constructive public conversations;
  • delivering evidence-based prevention programs;
  • working with existing organisations, networks and communities to embed prevention practices; and
  • influencing public policy and institutions.

The Our Watch website provides information on what YOU can do as well as information and resources on preventing violence against women and children.

'The Line'

The Line is a national youth campaign aimed at addressing the attitudes and behaviours that contribute to violence. In any relationship, there are things that are black and white and there are grey areas. The Line helps young people navigate those grey areas, so they can enjoy healthy and respectful relationships and recognise behaviour that 'crosses the line'.

The Line is an initiative under the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010–2022 and is funded by the Australian Government.

'Let's Stop it at the Start'

Let's Stop it at the Start is the National Campaign to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children. The Campaign was developed jointly by the Commonwealth, state and territory governments as a key action of the Third Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children 2010–2022.

The Respect website provides information on how to start the conversation about respectful behaviour toward women and girls and how to help to end the cycle of violence.

Coroner's research position

Coroner's research position

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people — please be aware this website may contain names, images and voices of deceased persons.

In Australia (to date) there are domestic violence (DV) death review processes embedded within Coronial jurisdictions and subsequent legislation in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and the Northern Territory. In all jurisdictions, except New South Wales, open Coronial cases involving domestic violence deaths are in scope of the reviews. In Western Australia these reviews are conducted through the Office of the Ombudsman. Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory are currently developing strategies to have formal DV death review processes in place.

The Office for Women and the SA Coroner's Court has established a partnership to research and investigate domestic-violence-related deaths. The position of Senior Research Officer (Domestic Violence) has been in place since January 2011.

This position is based within the South Australian Coroner's Office and works as part of the Coronial investigation team to:

  • Identify deaths with a domestic violence context, to assist in the investigation of the adequacy of system responses and/or inter-agency approaches which may assist in the prevention of deaths which occur within that context.
  • Review files, provide interim reports and have specific input into Coronial Inquests which relate to domestic violence.
  • Develop data collection systems which can provide advice to Coronial processes and identify demographic or service trends, gaps or improvements more broadly.
  • Conduct specific retrospective research projects relevant to building Domestic violence death review evidence base.

The scope of the review includes single fatality homicide, single fatality suicides and multiple fatality (e.g. homicide–suicide) incidents where there is a context of domestic or family violence. An investigation framework underpins the process of information gathering and decision making in the progression of coronial investigations.


The review of deaths with a domestic violence context is an ongoing process, however, it should be noted that not all reviews result in a Coronial Inquest. To date over 270 reviews have been conducted and there have been nine Coronial Inquests with a domestic violence context. To date, coronial findings and 43 recommendations relating to domestic violence systems improvement have been released for the following nine Inquests:


The Coronial Domestic Violence Information System (CDVIS) has been operational since May 2015. The CDVIS incorporates over 120 different perpetrator and victim-specific variables and provides the capacity to record data and track trends. The unique nature of the data housed in the CDVIS will support evidence-based decision making in policies and programs to reduce violence against women and their children.

Preliminary prevalence data from the CDVIS is reported in the South Australian State Coroners’ 2015–16 Annual Report, as tabled in South Australian Parliament.

Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network Data Report 2018

The Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network was established in 2011 as an initiative of state and territory death review processes, and is endorsed by all state and territory Coroners and the Western Australian Ombudsman. The Network’s goals include producing national data concerning domestic and family violence related homicides in accordance with the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children 2009–2021. With this work the Network seeks to contribute to the formation of evidence-based policy and decision making in relation to domestic and family violence, enhancing opportunities for prevention and intervention and contributing to the enhanced safety of women and their children across Australia.

The Network published its first report in 2018 (PDF 2.6 MB).

Relevant South Australian legislation

More information on the Coroner's Court

Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme

Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme

South Australia's Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS) provides an avenue for a person who may be at risk of domestic violence to get information about their partner or former partner, to help make decisions about their safety and the future of the relationship.

A request for information can be made by either:

  • the person who is feeling unsafe in their relationship or about their former partner, or
  • a person concerned about the welfare of someone they know.

The Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme is not an emergency response service.
If life is in danger, phone 000 (triple zero).
For non-urgent police assistance, phone 131 444.

Domestic Violence Roundtable Reports

Domestic Violence Roundtable Reports

One of the Government’s election commitments related to holding a Domestic Violence Roundtable during the first thirty days of the term. This was done, and Government has gone on to hold a series of regional Roundtables.

The Roundtables have allowed Government to hear directly from not only the specialist women’s sector, but broader community services as well.

That feedback has shaped the actions that make up the Government’s key violence against women policy framework, Committed to Safety: A Framework for Addressing Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence (Committed to Safety (PDF 1.1 MB)).

Following each Roundtable, a survey was sent to attendees, summarising the key themes and issues, to ensure that what was heard was accurate. Once the surveys were done, reports were produced for each location, outlining what had been discussed in further detail.

From November 2019 an annual Committed to Safety Roundtable will be held.

These are the reports which are currently available:

Domestic and Family Violence fact sheets for communities

Domestic and Family Violence fact sheets for communities

The South Australian Government is committed to creating a safe and supportive community for all South Australians and to ending domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV).

To keep women and children safe and prevent and respond to DFSV, the Office for Women works closely across all levels of government, with not-for-profit groups such as Women's Safety Services SA, with regional community organisations and national bodies such as Our Watch.

Our work is guided at the State level by South Australia’s Committed to Safety: Framework for Addressing Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence (CTS) and at the national level by the Fourth Action Plan (4AP) of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children.

Engaging with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities and faith leaders are among the targeted actions outlined in the CTS Framework and the 4AP.

To help inform and advance our work in addressing issues related to DFSV of concern to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities, we have partnered with Women’s Safety Services SA and Multicultural Communities Council of SA, to prepare four fact sheets, to help in better understanding, effectively identifying and responding to individuals and families who may be experiencing DFSV.

The below fact sheets also provide information about services, online resources  and primary prevention measures that can be used to educate communities about the importance of safe and respectful relationships.

FACT SHEET 1 - Recognising domestic, family and sexual violence (PDF 127.0 KB)

FACT SHEET 2 - What can I do to help someone experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence? (PDF 130.1 KB)

FACT SHEET 3 - Promoting gender equality and respect 1 (PDF 122.8 KB)

FACT SHEET 4 - Promoting gender equality and respect 2 (PDF 133.4 KB)

As part of the Break the Cycle campaign the fact sheets have been translated into 25 community languages. The translated fact sheets are available on the Break the Cycle website at

Family, domestic and sexual violence (FDSV) fact sheets for the military community

Family, domestic and sexual violence (FDSV) fact sheets for the military community

The experience of family, domestic and sexual violence (FDSV) for families in the military community is unique and complex. Family members may be isolated from traditional support networks due to regular relocation and unsure where to get help.

Three fact sheets

In partnership with Veterans SA, the Office for Women has developed three fact sheets to help members of the current or ex-serving military community experiencing abuse, FDSV agencies and those who suspect it may be happening to someone they know

Each offers practical guidance, support and additional resources, such as how to start an important conversation about someone’s wellbeing.

Fact sheet 1 - experiencing family violence

Are you in the current or ex-serving military community and experiencing family, domestic and sexual violence? (PDF 142.5 KB)

Fact sheet 2 - helping someone else

What can I do to help someone from the military or veteran community experiencing family, domestic and sexual violence? (PDF 106.5 KB)

Fact sheet 3 - working for an agency

Are you an FDSV agency working with a current or ex-serving military family experiencing family, domestic and sexual violence? (PDF 94.2 KB)

More information

Defence Housing Australia

Military Justice System - Department of Defence

Military (ADF) spouse employment and career development report by Amanda McCue - Churchill Trust

National Plan to reduce violence against women and their children: Stakeholder Consultation Report - Australian Government

Financial burden of unpaid rents, mortgages and loans due to domestic and family violence

Financial burden of unpaid rents, mortgages and loans due to domestic and family violence

Discussion papers

Summary papers

Financial burden roundtables

The South Australian Government made a commitment to work with the finance and real estate industries to explore options to ensure that women impacted by domestic and family violence do not bear the brunt of rents, mortgages and loans that go unpaid due to domestic and family violence.

People impacted by domestic and family violence often face significant financial and legal repercussions due to unpaid rents, mortgages and loans. As well as impacting their financial security and stability, these repercussions can severely limit their ability to obtain new housing.

The Office for Women hosted two roundtables in 2023 with key representatives from the real estate and finance sectors to discuss current ways they support people experiencing financial and housing difficulties due to DFSV and possibilities for improving the quality of this support.

The roundtables were attended by key bodies from the finance and real estate industries, including major banks, mortgage brokers, and the Real Estate Institute of SA and aimed to find ways to support and discuss current challenges and obstacles, identify examples of good practice, and promote potential solutions and innovative ways to support women struggling with unpaid mortgages, loans and rent due to DFSV.

The discussion papers that informed the roundtables, and the summary papers detailing the key themes discussed at the roundtables, can be found above.

Mortgages and loans

Key findings from the mortgages and loans roundtable discussions included:

  • Support pathways vary significantly across banks and other financial institutions, creating confusion for victim-survivors and highlighting a need for a standardised approach.
  • The change from in-person to digital banking is impacting victim-survivors ability to seek support.
  • Victim-survivors would benefit from further guidance and preventative information from financial institutions on how to protect their finances.
  • People working in financial institutions require clear guidelines on how to support customers experiencing violence.
  • Low and fixed-income older women need increased access to home ownership products.

Collaborative solutions suggested at the mortgages and loans roundtable included:

  • Financial institutions should explore the creation of resources on domestic and family violence to provide to all customers.
  • Financial institutions should consider reviewing and exploring improvements for existing training on identifying and responding to domestic and family violence, in partnership with the specialist domestic and family violence sector.
  • Financial institutions should investigate ways to ensure a more consistent and unified approach to domestic and family violence across the finance and banking sector.
  • Financial institutions should explore the potential use of new technology to better identify when domestic and family violence is occurring.
  • The SA Government and specialist domestic and family violence sector to investigate ways to raise public awareness of the impact of domestic and family violence on financial health.


Key findings from the rent roundtable discussions included:

  • Victim-survivors’ access to financial assistance can be limited by strict eligibility criteria.
  • Workers in the real estate industry may not be confident in identifying domestic and family violence due to a lack of education and training.
  • Victim-survivors require protection from assuming the liability of unpaid rents and damages, which can cause debt and prevent them from finding new accommodation.
  • Tenants, landlords and property managers require better awareness of tenant rights when navigating issues caused by domestic and family violence.

Collaborative solutions suggested at the rent roundtable included:

  • The real estate industry should explore the provision of references for victim-survivors whose rental history is impacted by domestic and family violence.
  • The specialist domestic and family violence sector, in partnership with the real estate industry, should investigate the design and implementation of education and training for real estate agents and property managers.
  • The SA Government will explore the creation of a centralised resource to support renters experiencing domestic and family violence and provide information to real estate agencies.
  • The real estate industry, housing, financial assistance programs and the domestic and family violence sector should explore formal ways to continue working together.

Law Reform

Law Reform

New South Australian domestic violence laws come into effect

As of January 2019 new laws targeting the perpetrators of domestic violence have come into effect, giving authorities stronger tools to tackle repeat and serious offenders. A new stand-alone criminal offence of strangulation will come into force as well as tougher penalties for repeated breaches of intervention orders.

Rape and sexual assault

In 2008 Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 and Evidence Act 1929 were amended to:

  • Provide a clearer definition of sexual offences, including rape; persistent sexual abuse of a child; and consent;
  • amend judicial warnings in relation to children's evidence; and
  • provide special arrangements for vulnerable witness's, protection of witness's, and provides the courts with the ability to audio record evidence, and include evidence taken in earlier proceedings.

Domestic violence - intervention orders

Legislation was passed in Parliament in 2009 to give police and courts greater powers to prevent and address domestic abuse. The Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009 protects people from abuse by restricting what the perpetrator does as well as by requiring the perpetrator to work towards rehabilitationFor more information about Intervention Orders visit the Legal Services Commission of South Australia website.

Protections for renters

On 10 December 2015 changes to the Residential Tenancies Act 1995 came into effect. These changes provide greater protections to victims of domestic violence who rent their homes. More information about the changes can be found on the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT) website.

National Domestic Violence Order Scheme

In November 2017, the National Domestic Violence Order Scheme was launched. In South Australia, domestic violence orders are called 'Intervention Orders'. You can find out more about these here:

In the past, domestic violence orders only applied in the state or territory in which they were issued or registered. This has now changed.

As of 25 November 2017, the implementation of the National Domestic Violence Order Scheme means that all DV orders issued from this date are now automatically nationally recognised and enforceable. If you have a current DV order that was issued prior to 25 November 2017, you can apply to the court to have it nationally recognised.

For more information visit the website of the Attorney-General's Office, or see the below brochures.

National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022 - 2032

National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022 - 2032

On 17 October 2022, the Australian, state and territory governments released the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022–2032 (National Plan).

The National Plan is the overarching national policy framework that will guide actions towards ending violence against women and children over the next 10 years.

It highlights how all parts of society, including governments, businesses and workplaces, media, schools and educational institutions, the family, domestic and sexual violence sector, communities and all individuals, must work together to achieve the shared vision of ending gender-based violence in one generation.

Read the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022–2032.

Violence against women and children is a problem of epidemic proportions in Australia. One in 3 women has experienced physical violence since the age of 15, and one in 5 has experienced sexual violence1. On average, a woman is killed by an intimate partner every 10 days2. Rates of violence are even higher for certain groups, such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women3. All Australian governments are united in their commitment to addressing the unacceptable rates of violence in our communities.

The National Plan outlines what needs to happen to achieve the vision of ending violence in one generation. This includes building the workforce and strengthening data collection systems. It also includes increasing accountability for people who choose to use violence, and providing person-centred and holistic responses to support victim-survivors through their recovery and healing.

The National Plan sets out actions across four domains:

  1. Prevention – working to change the underlying social drivers of violence by addressing the attitudes and systems that drive violence against women and children to stop it before it starts.
  2. Early intervention – identifying and supporting individuals who are at high risk of experiencing or perpetrating violence and prevent it from reoccurring.
  3. Response – providing services and supports to address existing violence and support victim-survivors experiencing violence, such as crisis support and police intervention, and a trauma-informed justice system that will hold people who use violence to account.
  4. Recovery and healing – helping to reduce the risk of re-traumatisation, and supporting victim-survivors to be safe and healthy to be able to recover from trauma and the physical, mental, emotional, and economic impacts of violence.

The former National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children 2010-2022

Released in 2011, the former National Plan focused on stopping violence before it happens in the first place, supporting women who have experienced violence, stopping men from committing violence, and building the evidence base so that we learn more about 'what works' in reducing domestic and family violence and sexual assault.

Reports on the former National Plan are available on the Department of Social Services website.

Safety Hubs

Safety Hubs

Current locations

The Haven at Murray Bridge Community Centre

Delivered by the Women’s Information Service

Phone: 0402 889 542

18 Beatty Tce, Murray Bridge 5253

The Haven at Gawler Community House

Delivered by the Women’s Information Service

Phone: 0466 801 553

2 Scheibener Tce, Gawler 5118

The Haven at Mount Barker Community Centre

Delivered by the Women’s Information Service

Phone: 0439 002 785

3 Dumas St, Mt Barker 5251

The Haven at Mount Gambier Library

Delivered by the Women’s Information Service

Phone: 0439 169 925

6 Watson Tce, Mt Gambier 5290

The Haven at Whyalla

Delivered by the Women’s Information Service

Phone: 0407 251 696

28 Head St, Whyalla Stuart 5608

The Haven at Port Pirie

Delivered by the Women's Information Service

Phone: 0499 420 923

28 Symonds St, Risdon Park, Port Pirie 5540

The Haven at Goolwa

Delivered by the Women's Information Service

Phone: 0499 407 237

Goolwa Library, 11 Cadell St, Goolwa  5214

The Haven at Riverland

Delivered by the Riverland Domestic Violence Service, Centacare Catholic Family Services

Riverland Haven
2 Ahern Street, Berri SA 5253
0409 461 727

For further information about services provided by Riverland Domestic Violence Service, visit the Centacare website.

Port Augusta KWY Safety Hub

Delivered by Kornar Winmil Yunti.

Phone: (08) 83777822

For further information about services provided by Kornar Winmil Yunti, visit the Kornar Winmil Yunti website.

Women's Wellbeing and Safety Centre - Port Lincoln

Delivered by Yarredi Services Inc.

Opening hours: 9:30 am to 3:30 pm Monday to Friday

Phone: 0473 431 322

34 Mortlock Terrace (entry at rear from Dutton Street)

For further information about the Women's Wellbeing and Safety Centre, visit the Centre's website.

Background on Safety Hubs

The safety hubs program builds on the success of the Women’s Safety Services SA metropolitan safety hub which co-locates agencies to provide a single-entry point for integrated services. The Government has supported the extension of safety hubs into regional areas driven by local needs.

Each location provides a safe local place where women can speak confidentially to trained workers or volunteers, who can provide information, support, and referrals to appropriate services.

Different models have been established in each region depending on the needs of the local community.

Identifying which models are needed for each region and their possible locations has been driven by feedback from six domestic violence roundtable forums held across South Australia in 2018 and 2019, as well as consultation with local service providers and communities.

The Haven at Murray Bridge Community Centre was the first site established under the Government’s safety hub program and launched in the Murray and Mallee government region in August 2019. The Haven at Murray Bridge Community Centre is a partnership between the Office for Women, the Murray Bridge Community Centre and local community organisations.

A second specialised service hub is being delivered by the Riverland Domestic Violence Service in Berri.

New hubs are now open across South Australia.

The Port Augusta KWY Safety Hub opened on 27 November 2020. The Hub has a focus on supporting Aboriginal women, and is designed to be a safe and welcoming space to access culturally appropriate services and support for anyone experiencing domestic, family or sexual violence, or safety issues. It features a safe-drop in space, phone and computer access – and women and children will receive one-on-one support from Kornar Winmil Yunti staff.

The Haven at Gawler Community House opened on 8 December 2020 and is a partnership between the Office for Women, Gawler Community House and local community organisations.

The Haven at Mount Barker Community Centre opened on 15 March 2021 and is a partnership between the Office for Women, Mount Barker Community Centre and local community organisations.

The Haven at Mount Gambier opened on 3 May 2021 and is a partnership between the Office for Women, Mount Gambier Library and local community organisations.

The Haven at Whyalla opened on 27 September 2021 and is a partnership between the Office for Women, Centacare Catholic Country SA and local community organisations.

The Haven at Port Pirie opened on 29th November 2021 and is a partnership between the Office for Women, Port Pirie Community Centre and local community organisations.

The Haven at Goolwa opened on 10th January 2022 and is a partnership between the Office for Women, Goolwa Library and local community organisations.

The Port Lincoln Women's Wellbeing @ 34 opened on 18 February 2022. The hub was established by Yarredi Services Inc and provides a safe space for women wanting to access information and support around domestic and family violence, education and wellbeing.

White Ribbon Campaign

White Ribbon Campaign

The White Ribbon Campaign is a male-led campaign to end men's violence against women.

In 1999, the United Nations General Assembly declared 25 November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The white ribbon is worn on the day to represent support for the elimination of violence against women.

Men can take a stand by swearing the White Ribbon Oath and saying no to violence against women.

White Ribbon Day, 25 November each year. Do your bit to help stop violence against women.

White Ribbon Day is celebrated across Australia with official events, community events and fundraisers, as well as marches in capital cities.

There are many events happening in South Australia on or around White Ribbon Day

White Ribbon Australia website

Workplace responses to violence

Workplace responses to violence

Workplaces are key environments where we can take preventative action to reduce violence against women and to support women who are experiencing or escaping violence.

Workplaces can play an effective and important role in:

  • supporting women to remain safe
  • stay in work
  • access specialist support services.

The National Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women and their Children recognises the value of including workplaces in prevention efforts (Commonwealth Government 2011), as does the Victorian Health Framework to Guide the Primary Prevention of Violence against Women in Victoria.

Safe at Home, Safe at Work

The Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations to undertake the Safe at Home, Safe at Work project. The Project seeks to inform Australian unions and employers about domestic violence issues for employees and to promote the introduction of domestic violence provisions in enterprise agreements using the new Fair Work framework.

Domestic violence leave

From 1 July 2016 employees of the South Australian public sector are entitled to 15 days domestic violence leave. This additional special leave with pay allows people experiencing domestic violence to take time off work to address issues that may assist them in progressing towards a life free from violence and its effects. More information is available in the Domestic Violence Guideline from the Office of the Commissioner for the Public Sector.

Entitlements such as those provided to South Australian public servants ensure that victims of domestic violence remain financially secure and have time to attend court appearances, seek legal advice or make arrangements to move house.

Domestic violence workplace policy

In 2018, the Department for Human Services released an updated Domestic Violence Workplace Policy (PDF 254.0 KB) for employees. A copy of the Staff Guidelines can be accessed here: DHS Domestic Violence in the Workplace Policy - Staff Guidelines (PDF 836.0 KB).

White Ribbon workplace accreditation

The White Ribbon Campaign in Australia is the national violence prevention campaign supported by individuals and organisations concerned with raising awareness about and ending violence against women. The White Ribbon Workplace Program aims to support workplaces to prevent and respond to violence against women. The Program calls upon organisations to take steps to promote safe workplaces for women by adapting organisational culture, practices and procedures. The Program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs for a term of four years. Information about the program is available on the White Ribbon website.

The Department of Human Services was the first State Government department to achieve White Ribbon accreditation in 2014. All other South Australian Government departments were accredited in 2016.

Page last updated : 09 Jan 2025

Office for Women acknowledges and respects Aboriginal peoples as the State’s first peoples and nations and recognises Aboriginal peoples as traditional owners and occupants of the lands and waters in South Australia.

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Provided by:
Department of Human Services
Last Updated:
06 Nov 2023
Printed on:
26 Mar 2025
The Office for Women website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Australia Licence. © 2016