Leadership and Honouring Women
The South Australian Government is dedicated to empowering women to realise their full potential as leaders across all sectors, while actively recognising, honouring, and celebrating the achievements of women leaders.
Boards and committees
Boards and committees
The Office for Women works towards ensuring that more women are able to make a contribution as leaders and key decision makers in the South Australian community. One way to achieve this is to increase the number of women members of boards and committees.
The Business Case
- Gender Equity Insights 2020: Delivering the Business Outcomes Workplace Gender Equality Agency
- The Bottom Line: Corporate Performance and women on boards Catalyst
State Government boards and committees
- Office for Women Advisory Boards
- Boarding Call SA Government boards and committees
- List of SA Government boards and committees
Federal Government boards and committees
- Board Links Australian Government network for women
- Indigenous Portfolio Boards and Committees Candidate Register
- List of Federal Government boards and committees
Useful links
General tips for board members
- Are you ready to serve on a board? Harvard Business Review
- Role of the Board Australian Institute of Company Directors
- Your board responsibilities (not for profit boards focused) Institute of Community Directors Australia
Training providers and board directories
Inspiring South Australian Women's Award
Inspiring South Australian Women's Award
The Inspiring South Australian Women's Award (formerly known as the Women Hold Up Half the Sky Award) recognises an outstanding woman who has made a significant contribution to the community. The award recognises the outstanding contribution women make, in a voluntary or paid role, in advancing and enriching our society. The award is designed to acknowledge those women who have previously not been publicly recognised for their work and service to the community.
The award categories are:
- Inspiring SA Women's Award
- Emerging Leaders Award.
A Commendation Award may be bestowed to encourage the future potential of the nominee.
The award is part of the Australia Day Awards and honours and is jointly coordinated by the Australia Day Council of South Australia and the Office for Women.
Local Government
Local Government
Local Government elections will be held next in 2026. Information on how to nominate is available at the Local Government Association website.
At the 2018 elections, a record percentage of women stood for and were elected to local government. 35.5% of elected candidates in local government across South Australia are women.
Networking and Mentoring
Networking and Mentoring
- Adelaide Business Hub - Women in Business Mentoring Program
- Polaris Business Development Centre - Mentoring
- Adelaide mentor walks
- Women in Business Advisory Program
Automotive and Aviation
Building and Engineering
- Asia Pacific Business Council for Women
- Business Chicks
- Business and Professional Women
- Women in Business and Regional Development
Economics, Finance and Maths
Innovation, Technology and ICT
- Girl Geek Academy
- PyLadies Australia
- So.Me (Social Media Women)
- South Australian Women in Games
- Women in Science Enquiry Network Inc (WiSE Net)
Mining and Resources
Parliament and Politics
SA Women of Impact Awards
SA Women of Impact Awards
The South Australian Women of Impact Awards celebrate women creating positive change, recognising winners and finalists annually across four categories.
Held annually, the Awards acknowledge and celebrate the diversity and commitment of women who create positive change and help create a safer and more equitable South Australia.
Nominations close 30 May 2025 at 5.00 pm.
Read more about nomination eligibility, criteria and award categories
Download a nomination form (PDF 209.4 KB)
Contact us
Please send enquiries to DHSOFWGenderEquity@sa.gov.au
South Australian Women’s Honour Roll (2008 to 2023)
South Australian Women’s Honour Roll (2008 to 2023)
The South Australian Women's Honour Roll helped increase formal recognition of women in the South Australian community. Held every two years, the Honour Roll celebrated women who created positive changes towards a more inclusive society.
Women are now honoured through the South Australian Women of Impact Awards.
SA Women's Honour Roll nominees 2008 to 2023
- 2023 SA Women's Honour Roll (PDF 869.8 KB)
- 2021 SA Women's Honour Roll (PDF 330.7 KB)
- 2019 SA Women's Honour Roll (PDF 809.2 KB)
- 2017 SA Women's Honour Roll (PDF 226.2 KB)
- 2015 SA Women's Honour Roll (PDF 270.5 KB)
- 2013 SA Women's Honour Roll (PDF 181.7 KB)
- 2011 SA Women's Honour Roll (PDF 442.5 KB)
- 2009 SA Women's Honour Roll (PDF 3.5 MB)
- 2008 SA Women's Honour Roll (PDF 5.5 MB)
Women's Roll of Honour for the 20th Century
The International Women's Day Committee (SA) Inc developed an Honour Roll for South Australian Women (PDF 5.0 MB) in 2001. This Roll lists outstanding women who made a positive impact on South Australian life from 1900 to 1999.