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Office for Women

Domestic and Family Violence fact sheets for communities

The South Australian Government is committed to creating a safe and supportive community for all South Australians and to ending domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV).

To keep women and children safe and prevent and respond to DFSV, the Office for Women works closely across all levels of government, with not-for-profit groups such as Women's Safety Services SA, with regional community organisations and national bodies such as Our Watch.

Our work is guided at the State level by South Australia’s Committed to Safety: Framework for Addressing Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence (CTS) and at the national level by the Fourth Action Plan (4AP) of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children.

Engaging with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities and faith leaders are among the targeted actions outlined in the CTS Framework and the 4AP.

To help inform and advance our work in addressing issues related to DFSV of concern to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities, we have partnered with Women’s Safety Services SA and Multicultural Communities Council of SA, to prepare four fact sheets, to help in better understanding, effectively identifying and responding to individuals and families who may be experiencing DFSV.

The below fact sheets also provide information about services, online resources  and primary prevention measures that can be used to educate communities about the importance of safe and respectful relationships.

FACT SHEET 1 - Recognising domestic, family and sexual violence (PDF 127.0 KB)

FACT SHEET 2 - What can I do to help someone experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence? (PDF 130.1 KB)

FACT SHEET 3 - Promoting gender equality and respect 1 (PDF 122.8 KB)

FACT SHEET 4 - Promoting gender equality and respect 2 (PDF 133.4 KB)

As part of the Break the Cycle campaign the fact sheets have been translated into 25 community languages. The translated fact sheets are available on the Break the Cycle website at

Page last updated : 06 Jun 2024

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Provided by:
Department of Human Services
Last Updated:
06 Nov 2023
Printed on:
16 Jul 2024
The Office for Women website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Australia Licence. © 2016